This day always seemed so far away, but somehow it just crept up on me! I've left home and am now in Washington, DC sitting on my nice comfy bed in the Hyatt hotel. Funny how Duke is sending us to rural Uganda where I'll have to take bucket showers and won't have electricity, but the night before they put us up in the Hyatt haha. I will definitely cherish my last real shower tonight!
For the next 2 months I will be in Kaihura, Uganda with 14 other students from Duke and a professor. We will be working on 3 different projects. Water sustainability (engineering inclined people), Medical clinic (pre-med type people), and the childhood empowerment & education project (everyone else?). The NGO we will be working with is called Bringing Hope to the Family. Check out their website, it's a pretty cool organization that seems to be very productive.
On the weekends we will be going to Fort Portal, a city about an hour away. This will be a nice break because we'll actually have electricity and running water! Can you imagine 15 students from one of the most high tech countries in the world going to a place that is literally decades behind our technological improvements?!?? Crazy right?
Well now it's time to watch Game 7 of the Celtics vs. Heat series.....GO CELTICS :)
I pray that God is with me every step of the way on this trip and keeps His hedge of protection around me. He gave me this awesome opportunity and I know He will give me the strength to work alongside of his Ugandan people and make positive changes.
Until next time.
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